
Discount Prescription Cards

United Way and other community organizations and agencies are handing out prescription drug discount cards to people in our community that have no health insurance or need to purchase medicine not covered by their insurance in order to reduce the cost of their medicine.

There is no enrollment, eligibility or fee. One Family Wise card is good for the entire family and it is valid for five years. No personal information is collected or shared. The average savings for people using this card has been 39% or $20 per prescription, (even though it states 20% on the card). People won’t save every time over the pharmacy price, but they will about 8 times out of 10.

United Way is trying to reach everyone in the community that needs a card. If you are an organization or know of an organization that would be willing to help distribute these cards please contact Tim Fuhriman at United way, 736-7727 or [email protected]. He will provide you with a supply of cards to give out. Individuals may also pick up cards at United Way located @ 150 W. Temple, Ste.30.

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