Oct 25 2010

(420)  ICE Lacks Data on 287(g) Program Success ...

Federal immigration police cannot say for certain that a program to extend federal authority to arrest and detain illegal aliens to state and local law enforcement agencies is meeting their priorities because they do not collect and analyze enough data to make that determination.

Oct 24 2010

(421)  Herbert uses team approach to governing...

Murray » Under dark skies and a steady, cold rain, Gov. Gary Herbert was knocking on doors Saturday trying to give a boost to a guy who has probably never needed one. Necks craned to look up at Shawn Bradley, the 7-foot-6 former NBA center running for the state House, standing nearly two feet taller than the governor.

Oct 24 2010

(422)  Navarrette: In the American political system, realize that motives matter...

SAN DIEGO — Ronald Reagan said that Hispanics don\'t have to be told to vote Republican. Given their conservative values, they already are Republican. They just don\'t know it. In his 1984 re-election, Reagan got nearly 40 percent of the Hispanic vote. Typically, anytime a Republican gets over 30 percent with Hispanics, it\'s lights out for the Democratic opponent.

Oct 24 2010

(423)  GOP should back temporary worker program...

Ronald Reagan was a free market conservative. Reagan understood that economic growth and real wealth are produced by the private sector through a vibrant system of competition, free of high taxes and overregulation. As a true believer in free market principles, he also advanced the cause of free trade. Trade with foreign countries and without tariffs or other government barriers allows for the free flow of goods and services through our borders, improving U.S. competitiveness and expanding markets for U.S. companies.

Oct 24 2010

(424)  287(g) deportation program snags few felons, memos from feds show...

Earlier this year, federal officials decided the Davidson County Sheriff\'s 287(g) program that screens the immigration status of incarcerated foreign nationals was targeting too many minor criminal offenders and not enough felons Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall\'s controversial program is supposed to place a priority on screening foreign nationals who are accused of committing serious felonies, according to last year\'s revised 287(g) agreement between Metro and the federal government

Oct 24 2010

(425)  Harry Reid grows more Democratic ...

WASHINGTON — As Sen. Harry Reid has moved from back-bencher to majority leader, he has fallen more in line with the Democratic Party, according to a review of his voting record over the last 24 years. The Nevadan sided with his Democratic colleagues on 79 percent of votes during his first six-year term when he cast 262 votes against the party line on highly publicized issues such as abortion, missile defense, foreign trade and guns that earned him a reputation as a swing vote.

Oct 24 2010

(426)  California voters see immigrants as a benefit...

Repeated clashes over illegal immigration have marked California\'s political races for years, but a new Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California poll found that voters hold positive views about immigrants overall and favor accommodating illegal immigrants who have held down jobs in the state.

Oct 23 2010

(427)  Free legal services offered this week ...

Low-income Utahns can receive help with legal advice relating to bankruptcy, collections and immigration during the Utah State Bar’s annual Pro Bono Celebration Week beginning Monday. Lawyers will offer free clinics and services throughout the week. “Pro Bono Celebration Week is as much about helping people as it is celebrating,” Utah State Bar President Robert Jeffs said in a news release.

Oct 23 2010

(428)  Obama propone debate migratorio después de elecciones...

Mandatario pidió a republicanos entrar en negociaciones WASHINGTON - Los republicanos deben reconocer que deberán entrar a negociar, sea cual sea el resultado en las elecciones de medio tiempo del 2 de noviembre, declaró el martes el presidente Barack Obama a periodistas, asegurando que sigue firme en su compromiso con un plan de reforma migratoria que permita legalizar a millones de indocumentados.

Oct 23 2010

(429)  Suffolk Police and Immigrants Meet at the Volleyball Net...

BRENTWOOD, N.Y. — The police officers poured out of sport utility vehicles that looked barely large enough to contain their brawny frames. Then the day laborers arrived, their narrow shoulders as spindly as the old bicycles they rode.

Oct 23 2010

(430)  Herbert wants wider immigration reform ...

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said Friday he wants to see more than an Arizona-style enforcement-only bill come across his desk. He wants legislation that addresses all facets of state-led immigration reform. The remarks were reported by members of the Utah Republican Hispanic Assembly, who met Friday with Herbert in the governor’s mansion. The meeting was private, but several of those who attended said Herbert hewed closely to his six “guiding principles” on the controversial issue.

Oct 23 2010

(431)  Latino Republican walking a tightrope in Nev. race...

LAS VEGAS -- For years, Brian Sandoval has been a rising Republican star, a trailblazer touted as a symbol of the party\'s increasing diversity. Square-jawed and handsome, he was elected Nevada\'s first Latino attorney general, showcased at the 2004 Republican National Convention and appointed the state\'s first Latino federal judge. Now, as the GOP nominee for governor, Sandoval has come to symbolize something else: a tension within the Republican Party, between efforts to attract Latinos and actions that repel members of the nation\'s fastest-growing minority group.

Oct 23 2010

(432)  Democrats hope to loosen GOP\'s hold on Texas offices...

AUSTIN -- A Hispanic labor leader in the race to unseat Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst had given Democrats high hopes for shoring up the Latino and labor vote for their slate of candidates, but Linda Chavez-Thompson has struggled to generate widespread name recognition. Chavez-Thompson, a longtime labor leader and vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, tops the Democratic list of down-ballot races for the upcoming elections.

Oct 23 2010

(433)  Harvest time highlights Latinos\' agricultural role...

Like most Latinos who immigrate to the United States, Rodriguez came here to provide for her family. Like many, she went to work in agriculture, spending four years working for Larsen Farms in Hamer. Like most Latino immigrants, what she misses most about her home country of Mexico is her family. \"Sometimes family members die, and you can\'t go (to Mexico to visit),\'\'\" Rodriguez said.

Oct 22 2010

(434)  Whitman accuses Brown of lying to Latinos about her...

Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman lashed out at rival Jerry Brown on Thursday, accusing the Democrat and his labor allies of spreading lies among Latinos about her position on immigration as her poll numbers have plummeted among that key sector of the electorate.

Oct 22 2010

(435)  Three Latino stars shine for GOP...

IN ALBUQUERQUE Turn on the television in any state near the border with Mexico, and before long you\'ll see a Republican campaign ad that looks something like this one, which ran here earlier this year: \"I\'m standing in New Mexico,\" the candidate says, \"and on the other side of that fence is the murder capital of the world.\" A picture of armed police flashes across the screen. \"When crime spills over, I prosecute.\"


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